Prostitution And The Girlfriend Experience
By Synthia Esther
Updated: Sept. 12, 2018
Prostitution is defined as selling sex for money, or compensation. In the United States a prostitute's clients are most often called "Johns," and in Canada, "Clients." In the UK - "Clients or Punters," and in Sweden they are termed, "Torskar," which means cod or loser. Those who drive around red-light districts looking for prostitutes are sometimes referred to as "Kerb Crawlers."
Many women within the sex industry use to prefer the name "Courtesans," referring to high caliber prostitutes selling sex, but it is only within the 21st century that sex industry workers are being openly reviewed and rated. There are now online websites that review the "performance" factor of prostitute's, also called escorts or call girls, for hire. Some prostitutes now claim these reviews are a very important part of their business, with review results that can either make you or break you within the industry.
These modern day sex for hire prostitutes offer up a real to life "Girlfriend," (GFE) experience, providing the fantasy relationship of a man's dreams, without the hassel. What I find so amusing is the false reality mindset of the Johns (prostitutes like to call them clients), that stablizes their ultra sensitive and fragile egos, while providing both physical and temporary "emotional and intimate" fulfillment.
The Johns like to pretend they are the boyfriend, to an attractive prostitute. According to the prostitutes I have personally interviewed, none of their Johns would ever be someone they would date in real life as they claim they are not attractive,socially inept, abusive, and usually much older.
One such popular prostitution review site boasted of an accountant who is a top reviewer with over 200 reviews of what is termed the "hobby." He states, "Because I know I cannot be faithful to one woman, marriage has never entered my mind. There is an emotional aspect to the "hobby" and especially the GFE. We want intimacy even though it may not be real."
It seems many men are looking for a girlfriend without the hassle and coping problems of a true life relationship, which was termed the "unpleasantness of reality," by Jennifer the prostitute (
It's also reported by Jennifer the prostitute, that men want the intense, wild and spontaneous experience they thought romance was all about when they were growing up. Which according to Jennifer, "real life relationships usually kill off."
In many respects Jennifer is right, as life problems, situations and issues can often weigh a relationship down, with sexual fantasy remaining at the bottom of the priority list. What men seem to desire with sex made to order, is to feel admired, adored and appreciated, and they are willing to pay top dollar for a prostitute to reaffirm their lack, in more ways than one.
But what about those monogamous couples who do make it? Who, like my parents, have been married for well over 50 years? According to them, and many others, the problems faced as a couple have only strengthened their resolve and love to grow into a stronger, more intimate bonding experience. Their relationship is much more than sex, and nothing money can buy.
CNBC, November 27, 2008, "Dirty Money," is all about the business of high end prostitution. Lucrative, Provocative, and completely Illegal, prostitution glamorized to the 9th degree, is far from reality. As I have personally interviewed many prostitutes, who have readily admitted.
( - Library Subtab, "Pornography, Prostitution And Crime," "A Prostitute's Story," and "I Paid For Sex With A Prostitute.")
The "Dirty Money" televised report on the age old profession of selling sex, in which the girlfriend experience was addressed. "The most popular item offered by escorts today is called the Girlfriend experience, known by the acronym, the GFE. The definition varies but most agree that it involes some facsimile of real romance." "Escorts advertising on the Internet has exploded in recent years. One study in San Francisco found that the number of ads doubled from 2,500 ads in 2000 to 5,000 in 2005." "Charging fees as high as $25,000 for a two-day engagement, a successful high end escort working full time can make an annual income of more than a half million dollars. High end clients can spend more than $100,000 a year in escort fees."
"An informal survey conducted by an Internet site for men who hire escorts found that 49 percent are married, 40 percent have an income of more than $100,000 and 38 percent hold a graduate degree."
As long as corrupt men like Eliot Spitzer, former President Bill Clinton, and promiscuous President Donald Trump, remain in leadership... and women like their wives, Slida Spitzer, Hilary Clinton, Malania Trummp, turn and look the other way in public silence, women will remain used and abused by those in power. He said he was sorry... is a common response by women who make a choice to smile and look the other way.
I agree with Kaul Kraus, Austrian journalist, critic, playwright and poet (1874-1936), "Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country."